Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if my student forgot something?

If your student forgot an item, please drop it off in the main office. The office staff will email the teacher notifying them of the item left in the office.  Deliveries are not guaranteed.

How do I inform the school when my student is absent?

When your child is absent, please call the attendance hotline (858) 487-8225 before 10:00am.

What if my student is tardy?

Students arriving late to school must come to the main office first for a Tardy Slip.
Please remember – Tardy students walking into class impacts the learning environment for everyone. Please be on time.

What are OCIS Contracts?

Should there be a planned absence of five days or more, please visit the office, as soon as possible to set up a homework contract for the student.  A contract should also be used for extended illnesses. (**contracts are not mandatory, however if you sign a contract your child is expected to complete the work while you are away from school).
A minimum of five days notice is required for an absence of five days.  A minimum of 10 days notice is required if the absence is more than five days.

What is the earliest I can drop my student off at school?

The earliest you can drop-off your student to school is 8:40am when the playground opens with supervision.   If you need before-school care, please note that ESS (Extended School Services) is available for a charge, from 6:30 am – 6:00 pm.  (space is limited)

How late can my student remain on campus after school?

It is important that students are picked up at dismissal time as there is no supervision after-school.  If it is not possible for you to pick up your student at dismissal, please consider contacting ESS (Extended School Services)  is available for a charge, from 6:30 am – 6:00 pm.  (space is limited)

What if my student has no lunch?

Breakfast and lunch are now available for all students at no cost.

Where are the lost and found items kept on campus?

Lost and found items located in the lunch area. Feel free to check for lost items AFTER SCHOOL.   Please be sure to check often, as the lost and found items are donated periodically.

What if I want to talk to my student’s teacher?

If you need to contact your teacher, it is best if you send an email.  Unfortunately, calls cannot be placed into classrooms during the day.

What if I want to request homework for my student?

If you would like homework for a student that missed school, please email your teacher with your request. This is not guaranteed. Please make sure the teacher has responded before you come to the school to collect the homework.